There’s something about Ideation. Exploration,Discovery, Journey, Detours.
Learning independently is an important life skill. One of the ways that Durham Academy fosters it is through Independent Studies. Some students take this opportunity to pursue a longstanding personal interest; others delve deeply into a topic inspired by travel, service, or regular coursework; still others seek to develop a new skill. Though they work independently, students in this program are supported by teachers and peers. They meet regularly (at least biweekly) with a teacher in a relevant academic field to select resources and check their understanding of content. They also work with the Independent Study Coordinator (ISC) to develop a weekly timetable, strategize, reflect, and hold themselves accountable. An independent study is built around the question “What do you want to learn?”. When the answer falls outside Durham Academy’s regular curriculum, an independent study provides support for student exploration. The student-designed course is comparable to standard courses in rigor, daily attention, and volume of time invested (5-7 hours/week). It culminates in a project or performance that is shared with the community in a form appropriate to the topic.
Here are some links to help frame the significance and importance of Independent Learning.
- https://www.mphschool.org/independent-learning-philosophy-at-mph/
- https://www.penncharter.com/academics/upper-school/independent-study
- https://hsdial.org/2019/06/03/independent-studies-prompt-innovative-final-products-upperclassmen-create-podcasts-and-board-games-to-conclude-their-studies
Students who wish to pursue some part of an Independent Study during the summer can seek financial support through The Jack Linger Independent Study Fund. Established in 2020 by the Linger family, this fund seeks to encourage unique, enriching, out-of-the-box learning experiences. A committee of Upper School faculty and staff, appointed by the head of school, reviews proposals and awards grants. Interested students should contact the Independent Study Coordinator, Tina Bessias, or Upper School Director Lanis Wilson. Grant recipients will be selected based on the merit of their proposed project and its potential impact on the student and the community.
Additional notes:
● Student initiative is central to an independent study. Therefore the student is expected to take responsibility for scheduling meetings, showing progress, designing the culminating activity, etc.
● Independent studies last one semester. A student may apply for a one-semester extension through the regular proposal process.
● Independent studies earn credit toward graduation and appear on the student’s transcript. Withdrawal after four weeks will result in a “WD” notation on the transcript.
● An independent study may not duplicate an existing course or substitute for a required course.